By Rebound Sports & Physical Therapy
The single leg deadlift is an important exercise for runners to do because it activates the key muscles of gluts and hamstrings. We want to make sure that we keep our pelvis tucked underneath us and also keep our back rounded in order that we do not get all of our strength for this exercise from our back. Most runners like to overuse the back muscles, and underuse our “powerhouse” glut muscles, which creates a lot of injuries that can sideline runners.
• Stand on one leg with the weight in your heel. Slightly round your back and maintain a posterior pelvic tilt (“tail tuck”). Round forward and reach for the floor with your opposite arm. Keep your back rounded and relaxed, allowing you to “hinge” at your hip. Stop when you feel a gentle stretch in your hamstring.
• Slowly return to the start position keeping your back slightly rounded. As you approach the start position, squeeze the glute of the leg you are standing on to feel your glute muscle engage. Maintain the posterior pelvic tilt. Switch leg and arm to repeat on opposite side.
Please call Rebound or email if you have more questions on this specific exercise. Also, if you would like a lot more exercises that focus on the correct muscles to specifically strengthen for runners then please come to our Runners Exercise Class. We have two more classes left of this Spring session but stay posted because there will be another session in the Fall!